A picture of Oliver, sat on a low wall. TalkFlare
No Stress. Just Talk.

Having a problem with TalkFlare?

We're sorry to hear that! Please see below for potential solutions to your tribulations!

Please see this page.

Please send an email to hello@talkflare.net containing your username with ident, and email address. We will reset your password, and then provide you a new password to log back in. From there, we will ask you to change your password.

Please send an email to hello@talkflare.net containing your username with ident, and/or email address, and specify what you've forgotten. We will either provide you with the email address associated with your account, or reset your password to a default.

Please send an email to hello@talkflare.net containing your username, and information on the bug - screenshots are preferable, and if you are able to create a bug report on your device please do so and provide it.

Unless you're wanting to help with funding (and in such a case visit this page,) we are not interested in receiving support for the project. This project is a personal one, and I'd rather keep it that way.

Please send an email to hello@talkflare.net

Please send an email to hello@talkflare.net containing your query or concern.