A picture of Oliver, sat on a low wall. TalkFlare
No Stress. Just Talk.


Because suprisingly, this costs money.

So TalkFlare costs money. I get the feeling you would've been able to guess that, based on this page's existence. I've created a service completely free to users, and whilst being basic and as client-centric as possible, it does still require servers to keep it running. And servers... well, they cost money.

This is why I want to offer you the option to support TalkFlare into the future, and keep it around for as long as possible. Right now, I've got the funds to keep TalkFlare up for just under a year, if demand doesn't increase (thanks to a very kind friend - you know who you are.) However, being able to afford more servers would allow us to spread TalkFlare further and put it into the hands of more people who need a way to talk.

So, if you're willing, we'd greatly appreciate your support. You can support in either of two ways:

For one time support, use my paypal.me link

Or for longer term support, contribute to my Patreon